微生物学講座 戻る
Department of Microbiology
部 門 先端生命医療科学部門
分 野 感染・免疫学分野
ホームページ https://www.microbio-ku.jp/

教授 澤 智裕 
准教授 前田 洋助
講師 津々木 博康
助教 小野 勝彦
助教 門出 和精




 私たちの研究室はレトロウイルス特にヒト免疫不全ウイルス(HIV)とヒトT細胞白血病ウイルス (HTLV)の感染機構とヒト内在性レトロウイルスの制御機構の研究している。とくにウイルスの細胞受容体への吸着から粒子形成、放出までをウイルス学的あるいは分子生物学的手法を用いて解析し、ウイルスと宿主との関連を明らかにすることを目的としている。 これらの研究の成果を、レトロウイルスによる病態解明および新しい制御方法の開発に役立てたいと考えている。


Fig.1. Molecular pathogenesis of bacterial infection and oxidative stress-associated human diseases based on ROS-antioxidative mechanisms.

Bacteria exhibit diverse oxygen demands that are determined by, at least in part, their capability of resistance to reactive oxygen species (ROS). In order to survive under production of ROS derived from aerobic respiration, innate immune responses, and antibiotic treatment, bacteria equip antioxidant mechanisms. Recently, cysteine persulfides (Fig. 1) have been identified in mammalian cells as powerful antioxidant molecules. We aim to clarify molecular species and the biosynthetic mechanisms of bacterial persulfides, with particular emphasis on the elucidation of antioxidative functions of bacterial persulfides. Understanding molecular basis of bacterial antioxidative resistance may help us to develop treatment, prevention and diagnosis for bacterial infection, as well as to gain insights into a variety of oxidative stress-associated human diseases including cancer, metabolic syndrome, and neurodegenerative diseases.

Our laboratory also focuses on understanding of replication cycle of human pathogenic retroviruses including Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Human T-cell Leukemia Virus 1 (HTLV-1), and regulatory mechanisms of human endogenous retrovirus (HERV). Of particular interest is the virus-host interaction in retroviral infection. Information obtained from virological and molecular biological approaches has been applied to elucidation of the pathogenesis of retroviral infection and developing novel therapeutic strategies against retroviral infection.

We also study molecular pathogenesis of emerging bacterium Helicobacter cinaedi infection and its association with chronic inflammatory diseases.