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機能分子構造解析学講座 戻る
Department of Structural Biology
部 門 環境社会医学部門
分 野 環境分析科学分野
ホームページ http://www.pharm.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/Labs/sb/index.html

准教授 池水 信二
准教授 中村 照也(大学院先導機構所属)
  1. 核酸に関わる蛋白質の構造生物学的研究
  2. 免疫系細胞表面受容体及び基質蛋白質の構造生物学的研究
  3. シグナル伝達蛋白質の構造生物的研究
  4. 創薬の基盤としての構造生物学研究

[拡 大]

Our research purpose is to understand the biological process based on the three-dimensional structures of biomacromolecules. We determine their structures by X-ray crystallography, which is the most powerful method to solve the structures. Our targets are the proteins related DNA, RNA and nucleotides, immunological system and signal transduction. Up to date, we have determined many protein structures as shown in figures and understood the structural basis of protein function.