総合分子医学講座 戻る
Department of Comprehensive Molecular Medicine
部 門 総合医薬科学部門
分 野 生体機能病態学分野
ホームページ https://kitakana.jp


喜多 加納子

  1. 肺小細胞癌をはじめとする悪性度の高い癌に奏功する抗癌剤の開発
  2. 翻訳後修飾プロテオミクス解析から探索されてきた神経幹細胞分化制御因子群の分子機能解明
  3. 特許技術による地域資源を生かした高付加価値商品の研究開発
  4. 内閣府地方創生人材支援制度による科学的アプローチを機軸にした地方創生、危機管理等


The new " Department of Comprehensive Molecular Medicine" was established in April 2020, and various researches are being conducted under the concept of taking a hierarchical approach to all life science issues.
We usually focus on disease research such as cancer research and development of anti-cancer drugs.
From the first year of Reiwa, I was appointed as a regional revitalization adviser in Taragi-cho, Kumamoto Prefecture by the Cabinet Office Regional Revitalization Human Resource Support System. Here, I am working as a regional resource branding advisor, including support for the sixth industrialization business. Since 2023, as the first class 1 emergency manager in Kumamoto Prefecture, I have been devoting myself to helping everyone through cross-sectoral activities, such as giving advice on crisis management and disaster prevention for organizations and towns.