腫瘍医学講座 戻る
Department of Tumor Genetics and Biology
部 門 先端生命医療科学部門
分 野 がん医学分野
ホームページ https://tgbaraki.com/

准教授 荒木 令江
  1. がん幹細胞の自己複製、分化、アポトーシス、転移に関わる細胞内分子群の解明
  2. 融合プロテオミクスによる腫瘍抑制/促進分子群の構造と機能制御に関する研究
  3. がんに関連するタンパク質の翻訳後修飾および選択的分解機構に関する研究
  4. 抗がん剤耐性に関わる細胞内分子メカニズムに関する研究
  5. 疾患ゲノム・トランスクリプトーム・プロテオームの総合的解析方法論の開発
  6. プロテオミクスを基盤とした病態システムバイオロジー教育研究拠点の構築

融合プロテオミクスによる癌特異的分子の統合的解析ストラテジー。 悪性脳腫瘍幹細胞の解析の例:2種類のプロテオミクスとDNAアレイ解析によって差異のあるすべての分子群を同定後、コンピュータシミュレーションにより重要候補分子群を抽出し、生物学的検証実験の後、臨床マーカーや治療ターゲット、予防・創薬のための基礎情報として応用する。戸田/荒木編集「疾患プロテオミクスの最前線、プロテオミクスで病気をなおせるか?」遺伝子医学2005、全396頁

An assembled proteomic strategy for cancer research. MRI image of Glioma and Glioma Stem Cells are shown as examples to be analyzed with this system. All the differential data are combined together, and the specific molecules are extracted to find out their functions to focus on. All of these data are stored in Kumamoto University Proteomics Database, as a reference for important basic information to be utilized as clinically applicable tools.

In our laboratory, many students are able to get an education in the forefront of tumor biology based on molecular cellular biology. We are studying specific cancer cellular mechanisms, such as cell cycle, differentiation, and apoptosis, with unique integrated strategies of system biology combined with genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. Specifically, the systematic proteomics uniquely established in our laboratory is now widely recognized as world-class. Using these advanced strategies, we are currently focusing on the study of molecular mechanisms of stem cell-like cancer cells and related cellular signal networks to find specific medical targets. Each of our staff is advancing cancer research with a different approach based on his/her specialty, such as cellular biology, biochemistry, molecular biology, protein chemistry, surgery,medical oncology neurosurgery, and pharmacology. The fundamental objective of our research is to understand the mechanisms of the development and progression of cancer and to make a contribution to clinical medicine.