免疫学講座 戻る
Department of Immunology
部 門 先端生命医療科学部門
分 野 感染・免疫学分野
ホームページ http://www.immunology-kumamoto.com/

教授 押海 裕之
講師 入江 厚
助教 幸脇 貴久
助教 島 謙
  1. ウイルス感染に対する自然免疫応答の基礎研究
  2. ウイルス感染症に対するワクチンの開発研究と、ワクチン投与後に副作用が生じるメカニズムの解明
  3. 自然免疫応答と生活習慣病の関連の研究



Our immune system is essential for protecting ourselves from pathogens. On the other hand, our immune system sometimes hurts our selves and causes diseases, such as autoimmune disorder and allergy. In our laboratory, we are conducting basic research in the immune system and also conducting the research to develop new vaccines and drugs for infectious diseases and immune-related diseases. In the basic research, we have identified new molecules involved in antiviral immune responses and have investigated their roles and functions using knockout mice. In the research for development, we identified new biomarkers that predict the adverse reaction after vaccination. Recently, we are focusing on the role of extracellular vesicles in the immune system and immune-related diseases.