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[画像下]iPS細胞を用いた免疫療法図 |
- 皮膚疾患におけるmicro RNA
エピジェネティクスは生体内の様々な細胞の機能に影響するため、注目されている講座です。生体内においては生理的に、細胞核内のDNAからmRNAが転写、翻訳され、蛋白合成を行っています。その過程で、21-23塩基からなる短いRNAが存在し、microRNA (miRNA)と呼ばれています。miRNAからアミノ酸へ翻訳されることはありませんが、特異的なmRNAからアミノ酸への翻訳を抑制的に制御していることがわかってきました。さらに、当科では様々なmiRNAが皮膚における発現量が変化することで、病態に深く関与していることや血清や毛髪に発現しており、診断マーカーとなる可能性を報告してきました。今後は難治性皮膚疾患に対する新規治療へ向けて、さらなる研究を続けています。
- iPS細胞を用いた免疫療法
- micro RNA in collagen diseases and skin diseases
Recently, epigenetics has attracted attention for its involvement in the various cellular behaviors and cell functions. microRNAs (miRNAs), short RNA molecules on average only 22 nucleotides long, play as the post-transcriptional regulators that bind to complementary sequences of target mRNAs, leading to the inhibition of translation. As previously reported, miRNAs have been implicated in the pathogenesis of various human diseases, such as immunological disorders, cancers, and metabolic disorders. However, little is known about the role of miRNAs in skin diseases. In previous study, we investigated the possibility that miRNAs may be involved in the pathogenesis of skin diseases. Clarifying the regulatory mechanisms of miRNAs may lead to develop new serum marker and therapeutic drugs by transfection into involved skin in vivo.
- We have conducted a study of immune cell therapy using iPS cells. The benefit of our method is that a large number of cells can be readily obtained, and it is able to express additional function on immune cells by genetic modification. We made an attempt to evaluate the potential of iPS cells as anti-cancer effector cells using genetically modification to express type I IFNs. We reported that iPS cell-derived immune cells expressing type I IFNs could exert therapeutic effects against peritoneally disseminated malignant melanoma in xenograft models. Though a further preclinical study for the establishment of the safety is necessary, this method will bring rays of hope for the patients with malignant melanoma.